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Download materials for larsoftobj v09_35_04 and dependencies

Release notes.

Download scripts for binary distributions.

  • pullProducts
    • Will pull all products listed in the bundle manifest.
    • This script will first check to see if a package is installed and will download the product only if not installed.
    • USAGE:
      • Download the script.
      • chmod +x pullProducts
      • Scientific Linux 7.x:
        ./pullProducts <product-directory> slf7 larsoftobj-v09_35_04 e26 <prof|debug>
  • See About Qualifiers for qualifier descriptions.
  • We recommend downloading the prebuilt binaries whenever possible.


The following products are part of the larsoftobj suite. Note that gallery is provided as a convenience to the user and is part of the larsoftobj umbrella.
   canvas_root_io v1_13_06 e26
   nusimdata v1_28_06 e26
   larcoreobj v09_10_02 e26
   larcorealg v09_13_02 e26
   lardataobj v09_18_04 e26
   lardataalg v09_17_04 e26
   larvecutils v09_04_01 e26
   gallery v1_22_06 e26
   larsoftobj v09_35_04 e26
   hub v2_14_2  
   gh v2_25_1  
   mrb v6_09_06  

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