./pullProducts <product-directory> slf6 larsoft-v08_24_00 s84-e17 <prof|debug>
./pullProducts <product-directory> slf7 larsoft-v08_24_00 s84-e17 <prof|debug>
./pullProducts <product-directory> d18 larsoft-v08_24_00 s84-c2 <prof|debug>
./pullProducts <product-directory> d17 larsoft-v08_24_00 s84-c2 <prof|debug>
./pullProducts <product-directory> u16 larsoft-v08_24_00 s84-e17 <prof|debug>
chmod +x checkPrerequisites ./checkPrerequisites
./buildFW [-ft] -b e17 -s s84 <product-directory> <debug|prof|opt> larsoft-v08_24_00
The following products are part of the full larsoft suite: | ||
Code: | ||
art | v3_02_06 | e17 |
nutools | v3_00_02 | e17 |
artg4tk | v09_04_04 | e17 |
marley | v1_1_0a | e17 |
pandora | v03_11_01b | e17 |
tensorflow | v1_3_0e | e17 |
wirecell | v0_12_3 | e17 |
larpandoracontent | v03_15_00 | e17 |
larsoft_data | v1_02_01 | |
larbatch | v01_51_04 | |
larutils | v1_24_00 | |
larcoreobj | v08_05_01 | e17 |
larcorealg | v08_12_02 | e17 |
larcore | v08_04_05 | e17 |
lardataobj | v08_04_04 | e17 |
lardataalg | v08_07_03 | e17 |
lardata | v08_06_01 | e17 |
larevt | v08_06_01 | e17 |
larg4 | v08_03_08 | e17 |
larsim | v08_09_01 | e17 |
larreco | v08_15_01 | e17 |
larana | v08_10_01 | e17 |
larpandora | v08_07_05 | e17 |
larwirecell | v08_05_08 | e17 |
larexamples | v08_02_09 | e17 |
lareventdisplay | v08_08_01 | e17 |
larsoft | v08_24_00 | e17 |
Utilities: | ||
mrb | v3_02_01 |