./pullProducts <product-directory> <slf5|slf6|d12|d13> <bundle-version> <e6> <debug|opt|prof>
./pullProducts <product_topdir> slf5 larsoft-v04_00_01 -e6 prof
Usage: pullProducts [-h] pullProductsOptions: -f Force pull of tarball if it already exists -h This help. Arguments: product_topdir Top directory for relocatable-UPS products area. OS Supported os distributions: slf5, slf6, d13, source bundle-spec Bundle name and version, e.g., larsoft-v04_00_01 qual_set Supported qualifier sets: s6-e6 build-spec debug, opt or prof.
chmod +x checkPrerequisites-v1_12_05 ./checkPrerequisites
chmod +x pullProducts ./pullProducts <product_topdir> source larsoft-v04_00_01
Usage: buildFW [-h] buildFWOptions: -b Specify basequal (REQUIRED: no default). -f Force already-built packages to be rebuilt. -h This help. -s Specify version set for those packages requiring it -t Make package tarfiles. -U Force packaged version of UPS to be built and/or made current. Arguments: product_topdir Top directory for relocatable-UPS products area. build-spec debug, opt or prof. bundle-spec Bundle identifier: artdev-1.12.00 (e.g.)
./buildFW [-ft] -b e6 -s s6 <product-directory> <debug|prof|opt> larsoft-v04_00_01
The following products are part of the full larsoft suite: | ||
Code: | ||
art | v1_12_05 | nu:e6 |
nutools | v1_07_01 | e6 |
larsoft_data | v0_03_03 | |
larbatch | v01_04_02 | |
larutils | v1_00_03 | |
larcore | v04_00_01 | e6 |
lardata | v04_00_01 | e6 |
larevt | v04_00_01 | e6 |
larsim | v04_00_01 | e6 |
larreco | v04_00_01 | e6 |
larana | v04_00_01 | e6 |
larpandora | v04_00_01 | e6 |
larexamples | v04_00_01 | e6 |
lareventdisplay | v04_00_01 | e6 |
larsoft | v04_00_01 | e6[:noifdh] |
Utilities: | ||
git | v1_8_5_6 | |
gitflow | v0_4_2_pre | |
mrb | v1_03_05 |