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Download materials for critic v2_02_00 and dependencies

Release notes.

  • Art suite release v3_04_00 notes.
  • This distribution includes the art v3_04_00 and gallery v1_14_00 distributions.
  • Note that art_root_io is found in this distribution and not in the art distribution.
  • The source for packages obtained from the FNAL Redmine repository (cetlib, fhicl-cpp, messagefacility, art, etc.) are downloaded on-demand from the repository by buildFW. For details on obtaining tagged sources for these packages independently, please read the documentation for git_archive.cgi.
  • Supported Platforms
  • To check available distributions, use getManifestList:
    getManifestList [bundle name] [bundle version]
  • NOTE: The e19 distributions are only available for SLF6 and SL7. Only clang (c7) is used when building on macOS. Also, only Python 2 builds (py2) are supported on SLF6.

Download scripts for binary distributions.

  • pullProducts
    • Will pull all products listed in the bundle manifest.
    • This script will first check to see if a package is installed and will download the product only if not installed.
    • Supported bundle list
    • USAGE:
      • Download the script.
      • chmod +x pullProducts
      • Scientific Linux 6.x:
        ./pullProducts <product-directory> slf6 critic-v2_02_00 <e19|c7>-py2 <prof|debug>
      • Scientific Linux 7.x:
        ./pullProducts <product-directory> slf7 critic-v2_02_00 <e19|c7>[-py2] <prof|debug>
      • Ubuntu LTS 16:
        ./pullProducts <product-directory> u16 critic-v2_02_00 <e19|c7>[-py2] <prof|debug>
      • Mojave (SIP disabled):
        ./pullProducts <product-directory> d18 critic-v2_02_00 <c7>[-py2] <prof|debug>
  • See About Qualifiers for qualifier descriptions.
  • We recommend downloading the prebuilt binaries whenever possible.


The following products are part of the art distribution bundle:
  cetpkgsupport   v1_14_01
  cetbuildtools   v7_06_04 v7_10_00 v7_11_00 v7_12_01 v7_13_02 v7_14_00
  cetlib_except   v1_04_00  <e19|c7>
  hep_concurrency v1_04_00  <e19|c7>
  cetlib          v3_09_00  <e19|c7>
  fhiclcpp        v4_11_00  <e19|c7>[:py2]
  messagefacility v2_06_00  <e19|c7>[:py2]
  canvas          v3_09_00  <e19|c7>[:py2]
  art             v3_04_00  <e19|c7>[:py2]
  canvas_root_io  v1_05_00  <e19|c7>[:py2]
  gallery         v1_14_00  <e19|c7>[:py2]
  art_root_io     v1_02_00  <e19|c7>[:py2]
  toyExperiment   v0_05_00  <e19|c7>[:py2]
  critic          v2_02_00  <e19|c7>[:py2]
The following products are part of the basic canvas_product_stack bundle
  ups             v6_0_8
  upd             v5_0_1
  cmake           v3_9_2 v3_9_5 v3_10_1 v3_11_4 v3_12_1 v3_12_2 v3_13_1 v3_13_2 v3_14_3
  catch           v2_5_0
  range           v3_0_4_0
  guideline_sl    v2_0_0
  boost           v1_70_0            <e19|c7>
  fftw            v3_3_8a             
  sqlite          v3_26_00_00
  python          v2_7_15a
  pybind11        v2_2_4
  jemalloc        v5_1_0a         <e19|c7>
  cppunit         v1_14_0          <e19|c7>
  clhep           v2_4_1_2            <e19|c7>
  libxml2         v2_9_9          
  tbb             v2019_3              <e19|c7>
  mysql_client    v5_5_62     <e19|c7>
  postgresql      v9_6_11b       <p372|p2715a>
  pythia          v6_4_28p           ${gccqual}
  gsl             v2_5              <e19|c7>
  nose            v1_3_7h             <p372|p2715a>
  lapack          v3_8_0c           <e19|c7>
  numpy           v1_15_4b            <e19|c7>:<p372|p2715a>
  xrootd          v4_8_5c           <e19|c7>[:py2]
  root            v6_18_04c             <e19|c7>[:py2]

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