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Package list for art v1_08_09
Download scripts available

 Distribution tarballs for SLF6 
 all   debug   prof   notes 
ups-upd-5.0.1      needed by everyone 
  art_externals-1.00.03-debug art_externals-1.00.03-prof  needed by everyone 
  art_suite-1.08.09-debug art_suite-1.08.09-prof  default, used by DS50 
  art_suite-1.08.09-mu2e-debug art_suite-1.08.09-mu2e-prof  for mu2e 
  art_suite-1.08.09-nu-debug art_suite-1.08.09-nu-prof  for neutrino experiments 
mu2e_extras-1.00.03-noarch mu2e_extras-1.00.03-debug mu2e_extras-1.00.03-prof  for mu2e 
Download mu2e_extras noarch and
either mu2e_extras prof or mu2e_extras debug
  splines 1.02.01 debug splines 1.02.01 prof  for mu2e 
nu_extras-1.00.03-noarch nu_extras-1.00.03-debug nu_extras-1.00.03-prof  for neutrino experiments 
Download nu_extras noarch and
either nu_extras prof or nu_extras debug
 for neturino experiments 

 Distribution tarballs for SLF5 
 all   debug   prof   notes 
ups-upd-5.0.1      needed by everyone 
  art_externals-1.00.03-debug art_externals-1.00.03-prof  needed by everyone 
  art_suite-1.08.09-debug art_suite-1.08.09-prof  default, used by DS50 
  art_suite-1.08.09-mu2e-debug art_suite-1.08.09-mu2e-prof  for mu2e 
  art_suite-1.08.09-nu-debug art_suite-1.08.09-nu-prof  for neutrino experiments 
mu2e_extras-1.00.03-noarch mu2e_extras-1.00.03-debug mu2e_extras-1.00.03-prof  for mu2e 
Download mu2e_extras noarch and
either mu2e_extras prof or mu2e_extras debug
  splines 1.02.01 debug splines 1.02.01 prof  for mu2e 
nu_extras-1.00.03-noarch nu_extras-1.00.03-debug nu_extras-1.00.03-prof  for neutrino experiments 
Download nu_extras noarch and
either nu_extras prof or nu_extras debug
 for neturino experiments 

Download scripts are available:

Source code tarballs:

The following products are in the art_suite-1.08.09 tarballs

   art_suite       v1_08_09
   cetpkgsupport   v1_04_02
   cetbuildtools   v3_06_07
   cpp0x           v1_03_25  e4
   cetlib          v1_03_25  e4
   fhiclcpp        v2_17_12  e4
   messagefacility v1_10_26  e4
   art             v1_08_09 [e4|mu2e|nu]

  source code only:
   splines         v1_02_01  e4 (for mu2e)

The following products are in the art_externals-1.00.03 tarballs

     art_externals   v1_00_03
     cmake           v2_8_8
     gcc             v4_8_1
     boost           v1_53_0		e4
     clhep           v2_1_3_1		e4
     cppunit         v1_12_1		e4
     fftw            v3_3_3		e4
     gccxml          v0_9_20130621	e4
     libsigcpp       v2_2_11		e4
     libxml2         v2_9_1		e4
     python          v2_7_5b		e4
     sqlite          v3_08_00_02	[debug|opt|prof]
     tbb             v4_1_3		e4
     root            v5_34_09b		e4

The following products are in the ups-upd-5.0.1 tarball

     ups             v5_0_1
     upd             v4_7_5

The following products are in BOTH mu2e_extras-1.00.03 and nu_extras-1.00.03

     g4abla        v3_0
     g4emlow       v6_32
     g4neutron     v4_2
     g4neutronxs   v1_2
     g4photon      v2_3
     g4pii         v1_3
     g4radiative   v3_6
     g4surface     v1_0
     geant4        v4_9_6_p02	e4
     xerces_c      v3_1_1	e4
     cry           v1_7		e4

The following products are ONLY in the optional mu2e_extras-1.00.03 tarballs

     heppdt        v3_04_01	e4
     scons         v2_3_0a	e4
     root          v5_34_09b	mu2e:e4

The following products are ONLY in the optional nu_extras-1.00.03 tarballs

     cstxsd        v3_3_0_p02a	
     genie         v2_8_0b	e4
     lhapdf        v5_9_1	e4
     log4cpp       v1_1		e4
     mysql_client  v5_5_27	e4
     postgresql    v9_1_5a	e4
     pythia        v6_4_28	e4
     root          v5_34_09b	nu:e4

artdaq is distributed separately:

     artdaq        v1_04_01    [e4:ib|e4:eth|nu:e4:eth]
     mpich         v3_0_4	e4      -- for e4:eth and nu:e4:eth
     xmlrpc_c      v1_25_24	e4      -- for e4:eth and nu:e4:eth


     ds50daq       v0_04_06    e4
     artdaq        v1_04_01    e4
     mvapich2_stub v1_7_0

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